Jessica Jones
<Jessica Jones">
Portrayed by <E.g. "Missy Peregrym">
Full Name <E.g. "Still Jessica Jones">
Age <E.g. 34>
Height <E.g. 6'0">
Build E.g. "Athletic" or "Tall, and athletic">
Eyes <E.g. Blue>
Hair < E.g. Black>
Factions <E.g. Justice League of America>
Occupation <E.g. Ambassador from Themyscira>
Alignment <E.g Hero | Villain | Neutral | Civilian >

Claim to Fame

<Insert claim-to-fame.>


<Insert your character's reputation — i.e. their public image, if they have one (and they do, even if it's only among their peers and colleagues). How much notariety do they have, do the public love or hate them? Is J.Jonah Jameson likely to string them up or laud them?>


<Insert your character's biography, here. You can format it however you want. You don't need to add in the "Biography" heading. That will be done automatically for you. If you choose not to input anything here, please add some sort of indication of that instead — E.g. "Unrevealed".>

Character Details

<Insert your character's personality description here. You can format it however you want. You don't need to add in the "Personality" heading. That will be done automatically for you. If you choose not to input anything here, please add some sort of indication of that instead — E.g. "Unrevealed".>


Image Name Relation Information
nopic-m.png Character Name Friend Insert a description of the relationship here.


<This section is optional. You can delete it.>

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