Sanity Break

September 16, 2014: Bobby and Nancy come to see Roberto and make sure that he's not cracking under the stress of recent events.

Da Costa penthouse

A grand penthouse with a largely open floor plan and minimalist architecture, this home is designed to rely as much as possible on natural light. Tall plate-glass windows dominate every exterior wall. The furnishings are modern and chic, and pale hardwoods and white dominate the color scheme. The decor is less refined, with framed movie posters and Brasilian futebol memorabilia giving a sense of the occupant's interests. There's a high-end entertainment center, a sprawling kitchen, a wide patio with a hot tub, and every other imaginable amenity.



  • None

Mood Music:

It's been a busy kind of weekend for everyone and now that things are kind of settling down, there's the little matter of a certain business mogul who had his house ruined a bit back. It's largely fixed now but it's occured to a certain Cool Guy that no one has really done a housewarming for him yet. So, on this particular afternoon he's gone to get Nancy and some tandoori style chicken and fresh naan bread from a good place down the street.

"Oy, Berto!" Comes from the elevator as it opens. "Come out, come out wherever you are, ya goon. Can't bury yourself in work and SHIELD meetings forever."


When the elevator dings open, Roberto is flopped on his brand-new couch, controller in hand, playing the latest iteration of FIFA. He hears the voice of his cold twin approaching and grins — the gaming session was his own response to exactly the same problem. "I'll have you know, I was already taking a sanity break!" he calls back as he pauses and levers himself up off the couch. "I'm not turning into Cyclops or anything."

When he comes into view of the door, he spots Nancy as well, and throws his arms wide to give both of his friends hugs. "Ooh, snacks. Fun. Let's go try the new table." He leads the way through a couple of broad doorways; the new version of his dining table is slightly more modern in design than the old one, but no less sizable. "Beer? Wine?" he asks, waving them toward the table but heading for the kitchen himself.


Looking around the apartment, Nancy smiles. She calls out into the suite. "Hey Bobby! You know, if yer naked, that's fine. Don't let us interupt your sacred naked time." When Berto comes to the elevator, she snaps her fingers playfully in disappointment. "For Indian food? Beer. Definitely beer."


"I'll take a beer if you don't mind, Berto." Bobby sets up the paper plates and the take out containers. He doesn't often drink but he's not above a beer among friends. "What'cha got over there? X-box soccer?" The american Bobby always calls it 'soccer' for a reason. Yes, he's a bit of a troll. "How've you been? Place looks nice, again. Crews did a good job."


"Playstation futebol," Roberto corrects automatically, although he's been living in the states long enough that it's a simple reflex, without any particular irritation behind it. He doesn't get a real mad on at ianques blind to the game's beauty until they start insulting it. Otherwise he'd never have time for anything else.

"The place is looking good," he agrees with a grin, returning with bottled beers for each of them. He goes all Sunspotty and flicks the tops off with his thumb, one by one, before passing them out.

"Sorry to disappoint," Roberto tells Nancy, smirking at her. He's wearing lounging around clothes, but not especially revealing ones: snug sleeveless shirt, soccer shorts, bare feet. "I'm a public figure now. If I get naked for the cameras, it has to be either a publicity stunt or for charity. Or both — I suppose that would make for a pretty popular ice bucket video." He pauses, points at Bobby, and warns, "Don't."


Nancy has to chuckle as Berto shows off with the bottle caps. She lets him do one and then pushes her field a bit bigger just to mess with him. Cause it's fun. She smirks and pulls her aura back in so he can do the others. "Hey! Team Red does the Ice Bucket Challenge. I am so in for that."


"I could be the ice bucket. That'd be easy." Bobby pops the top on his beer and takes a sip. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" He grins. "So I wanted to say, this isn't juuuuuuuust a social visit. I wanted to introduce you to your new link to the Outsiders. Bobby's grinning from ear to ear as he nods to Nancy. "It's good to have friends right? Nan's pretty well connected in that department."


Nancy gives a shrug of her shoulders and a smirk. "Yeah, apparently aliens like me. There is a spaceship in orbit over the Nest and so… if you ever need some sorta super technological help, give me a buzz?" She takes out her communicator. It looks like one of those small bottles of MIO in her hand. "It's pretty cool. You just hit this button here and… oh shit. No no no! I didn't mean it! Don't beam me…" And then she is gone.


Warm Bobby is so confident that his practiced party trick will be a success that when Nancy shuts off his powers, he manages to cut his thumb on his own bottle top. "Owwww," he complains, although it's more in annoyance at his sabotaged trick than actual pain. His thumb goes into his mouth, inhibiting his speech as he says, "You mest id ub. Now I'b brobbly gonna ged dedanus."

But the mutate is already gone. His small cut forgotten, he gapes at the spot where she was before turning to the other Bobby. "Outsiders?"


Bobby sighs. "Uh… yeah. So… long story short there's this alien Princess that met Nancy and Lunair and Jericho and some others and decided that they made a really good team. So she, uh, coralled them all and convinced them of it and now the I guess have super secret nacho parties up on her space ship? And do heroic things. It's… a thing. They're all pooling their resources. The Nest, the Ship, uh, whatever else they all can do. Most of them are kind of, well you know Nan had to leave the X-Men, her hacker friend is on the run, I guess a lot of the others are kind of outcasts and misfits too."


"Yikes," Roberto answers, turning again, as if to search for a lingering sparkle where Nancy used to be. "I take a few meetings and a gaming break, and all that happens?" A wry smile grows on his face. "So, I'm guessing that was the cause of the mass teleport in Greenland. Interesting. Too bad they got started too late to be invited to the —"

He cuts himself off. "What am I saying? The mixer was a disaster. Next time, let spaceship girl host the party."


"I'll bet she could be convinced to do that. I was kind of hoping to have Nancy invite her here, but maybe we could get you and a couple others invited up to lunch on the space ship. Er, I should warn you that Nancy says their cook is kind of awful, so…" So don't count on the food being the main event. On the other hand, Princess Koriand'r is, from what Bobby understands, the kind of person that makes Nan glad her cool dude doesn't have wandering eyes. So…"


"I'm sort of kidding," Roberto admits with a smirk. "Of course she's welcome to drop in here. My cook is amazing. And there's good takeout nearby, too." Yeah, he's been taking advantage of the opportunity to get himself a small helping of tandoori chicken. Protein! "But how do you feel about this?" he adds after a few seconds' thought. "I mean, I know you've been pitching in a lot at the farm. But this whole space thing… are you worried you're not going to see her as much?"


Bobby shrugs. "Nancy needs to find something to keep her happy. She gives and gives and gives and I'm worried she'll give away everything if she keeps it up. I want her to have something that's her own. The X-Men… decided they didn't want to be that." Bobby shakes his head. "While completely ignoring me and my role in the thing they object to so much about her. I'll be honest, if not for you I'd have left myself. The Hypocracy was getting a little thick."


"That's giving the X-men a little too much credit for unified decision making," Roberto answers with a fond smile. "It's a family. People feud and fight and hurt each other. But the worse it gets, the better you bond with the sympathetic souls who are still in the mix." Heaven help us, Hot Bobby is waxing poetic. He may have lived away from it for a long time, but he has a lot of feelings about the school where he came of age.

That said, he knows it's a sore point for several of his friends. A change of subject is in order. "So, tell me about this space princess, then," Roberto says, relaxing into his seat with a rakehell grin on his face. "Are we talking Star Wars or Starship Troopers?


"It's a really damn incestuous family, sorry, Berto. Maybe it's different for you because you've been with them longer, but I'm never not going to be an Outsider myself to some of them." That's all Bobby has to say on the matter. "Uh well… Actually here, I'll show you." Bobby gets out his tablet and pulls up pictures of one Kory Anders, a model back in the 90's. Tawny skin, bright orange hair. Really… fit. "Nan says her culture's native clothing isn't… er, it's perfunctory, you know?"

He grins. "Not lewd, just less than most of us are used to seeing."


"Give it time," Roberto tells Bobby, showing him a sympathetic expression. That's pretty much all he has left to say on the subject; lord knows he had his own issues integrating with the group.

Then his focus is entirely on the images of Anders. He gives a low, appreciative whistle. "I know the feeling," he comments on the subject of perfunctory dress. "That one is definitely welcome to visit any time. Wearing whatever she wants."


Bobby gives Berto a low laugh as he leave him to admire the image on the tablet while he gets himself some more chicken and fresh naan bread. His plate is starting to resemble a sandwich… so that's what he turns it into.

"I'm sure Nancy can pass that along though hey, you might wanna be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."


Roberto is, as usual, eating hardly anything, but he certainly does seem to be enjoying what he does have. "First of all, when have I ever been careful? And second, when have I ever not gotten what I wish for?" he rejoins, grinning. "Unless there are some very well hidden anatomical differences, I see no reason not to damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."

Then again, if he keeps up with all of these space puns, Koriand'r may just airlock him in annoyance. Hard to say.


Bobby laughs and shakes his head. "You would make a play for the Space Princess. Well, good luck. I've yet to meet her myself so all I have to go on is the way Nancy talks about her. She seems like a decent enough person though. Bit naieve perhaps, maybe less familiar with the particulars of earth culture and such. You'll have to ask Nan about it more. Maybe she can set something up. Er, unless she has someone. I've got no idea myself."


And it is into this conversation that Nancy is neatly deposited exactly where she was whisked off from. She look around the room and smiles. "Top button to talk, bottom to transport. I keep messing it up."

She smirks at the conversation. "You want a date with Kori? Okay, first advice, don't insult her. Or let her think you've insulted her. She has a right hook like a Mack truck."


Roberto looks a little stricken when he realizes just how much of that conversation Nancy caught through all the particle effects of her teleport. "Ei? Um. Well." He clears his throat, straightens up, and rallies. "I would never intentionally insult a lady. And if I did, by accident, I would accept her justifiable anger. I can take a hit pretty well." Reflexively, he rubs his jawline; perhaps he's remembering a few of the well-deserved slaps he has accrued over his lifetime.

Suddenly, he stands. "I'm going to, um… get a bottle opener."

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