Dancing In The Playground

January 6, 2015: Zees teleport fritzes again and she meets Echo in a playground…. somewhere

A playground somewhere



  • None

Mood Music:

There's a slight 'pop' sound and a dark haired young woman appears out of nowhere, a slight frown on her face as she looks around the playground. Dressed in a sweater dress, leggings and knee high boots, the young woman steps forward a few steps and stops momentarily as she notices the the dancing figure. Glancing around for some light, Zatanna Zatara moves in the direction of that broken street lamp watching the dance as she does.


The dance continues, as if no sounds had occurred, Echo's body moving with grace, twisting, bending, and finally falling to the floor, as if shot. She remains still for a long moment before she sits up, arching her back, rising to her feet, the movements utterly graceful, echos of talented dancers with a twist of her own.


Zee makes it to the spill of light provided and stands there watching whilst the young woman dances. When the dance completes, the raven-haired woman calls out "That was lovely…" and raises a hand in a wave. Glancing around the playground, that small frown appears again "Why here?" she mutters to herself.


Although her words go unheard, the gesture is seen and the young woman startles, stepping back as if to depart at the sight of another human. She doesn't reply, as if she had never heard the greeting, but her gaze rests on Zee's face, oddly intently.


Not realising the words are unheard, Zee smiles as she speaks "Hello there, sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean to. I'm Zee" Seeing that the young woman looks ready to run, Zee doesn't move and keeps her hands loosely at her side. "I'm not sure why I'm here. But there must be a reason." As if that will make any sense to anyone!


Those words are understood, Echo lipreading with ease, "I was not expecting anyone else to be here." The reply is explanation in itself, and she relaxes slightly, the other woman appearing friendly enough. "You …do not know why you are here?" The quizzical look is given with a tilt of her head.


Zee gives a smile "I wasn't expecting to be here…" remaining still as the other woman relaxes "No I don't." the smile turns wry "I was trying to get to a friends house and ended up here. Normally that means there's something for me to do or learn in this area." Holding her hand out, Zee steps forward "As I said, I'm Zee."


Echo takes a step forward, unconsciously echoing Zee's own movements, her hand taken, the dark eyes steadily watching the other's face. "I am Echo." The woman's voice is precise, carefully spoken words, as if it were a foreign language. Sound to the dead, a foreign thing indeed.


"Echo" Zee cants her head at the tone of the voice and the way the eyes focus on her. "Very nice to meet you." Turning her head to gesture at the playground "Why were you dancing here at this time of night?"


Echo doesn't turn to look at the playground, instead keeping her gaze on Zee's face, on her lips. "Because my apartment is too small, and the floor is good. It is a place of good memories." The answer is surprisingly honest, perhaps innocent in that straightforward manner.


Zee cants her head giving Echo a confused frown. "The small, I get. But… you don't dance there because it has good memories?" The raven-haired woman is visibly confused by that statement and responds to the innocence present.


"This. This is a place of good memories. Can you not feel it?" The question is soft, Echo's lips curving into a smile, her odd innocence shining through the disguise. Again, her gaze remains steadily on Zee's lips.


Zee blinks and looks around. "Not right now… let me try something though…" the young magician closes her eyes for a moment or two. Opening her eyes she smiles slightly "I feel the calm within the place and faint traces of magic residue… but I don't sense it like you do I think."


Echo's smile brightens, and she spreads her hands, "I sit here, on the swing, to decide the course of my life." She makes a gesture, inviting Zee to join her, but keeping her head turned to watch the other woman, attentive to every word.


The brighter smile gets one in return. Zee is known for her stage smiles but there are few who see the warmth in the real ones. Joining Echo on the swings, she cants her head again "I kind of get that" the smile is warm and there's a hint of a chuckle in her tones. "And you find it easier to do out here… did the dance have anything to do with that?"


Echo chooses a swing that allows her to see the other's face, her smile sweeter now, as she speaks, "The dance is for my father, he bought me here many times." Confiding in a stranger, but it seems natural, Echo's manner suggestive of someone protected and yet old beyond her years.


"So you dance to remember your Dad." Zees eyes crinkle slightly as she smiles back "I really like that. Where is your Dad now?" The easy manner in which Echo speaks to Zee seems natural and Zee responds in kind. "My Dads off travelling and I miss him sometimes."


The smile fades, and a mix of sorrow and anger flashes through the expressive eyes of the woman, even before she glances away. "He was murdered." The quiet words are soft, holding the grief she feels, and her gaze drops for a moment.


Zee stills and waits a long moment before reaching out to put a hand on the womans shoulder "I'm so sorry for it happening, and for reminding you. I don't know how I would feel if that happened to me." The young magician pauses again and sighs "Did you want to talk about it or do we change the subject?" Her face has lost the smile, it's now solemn and compassionate.


The words spoken with her face away are unheard, but the touch does draw Maya's gaze back after them, catching the last, and she replies to those, "I do not wish to speak of his death until it is avenged." The words suggest that is going to happen, the expression serious, her emotions written on her face.


"Avenged is a pretty strong word and it looks like you plan on doing it" Zee watches Echo carefully before shrugging lightly "I think I would do the same thing if it was my Dad." Removing her hand from the young womans shoulder, Zee seems quite content to sit and listen.


The silence draws out for long moments before Echo replies, "Echo is to avenge his death, to ensure that that man cannot hurt anyone further." The words seem the final ones for the young woman, as she rises to her feet, giving Zee a smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you."


Zee looks as Echo stands up and nods "It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Echo." With a small flourish of her hand, the Mistress of Magic pulls a card from thin air "I think you may have been why I was bought here tonight. Should you need me or just want to talk again, here's how you can contact me."


Echo hesitates before she steps forward to take the card, her lips fixed on the other's mouth. "I have no contacts. Perhaps we will meet here again." And then she is gone, darting forward, her lithe body swung up onto the fence surrounding the playground. From there, to the roof, and vanishing into the darkness

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