Security Breach: Upper Levels

January 24 2015: HYDRA targets the primary headquarters and research facility of SHIELD in a daring cross dimensional raid.

The Triskelion, upper levels

The Triskelion is normally an impregnable fortress. Today… not so impregnable.



  • HYDRA Attackers
  • Chinese Demons
  • Vikings

Mood Music:
[* None]

Jericho had warned May after the attack on the SHIELD annex that HYDRA would probably try something nastier than that soon. And he'd inquiring after ways to make SHIELD more magically safe but the long and short of it seems to be that it's unlikely short term that there's going to be anyone can do but respond to the attacks as they happen. So the hacker has stepped up his network monitoring to try to make that happen but it's actually a chance encounter with some occultists in M-Town that gives Jericho the information that very large attack is immanent.

Slightly too late mind you. He doesn't have a chance to warn May. Or anyone else for that matter. Because as he's coming to this realization (in another plane of existance) an ordinary day at the Triskelion is turning not so ordinary indeed. Portals open up on every floor, multiple places and begin to disgorge howling angry… vikings. Others, red instead of cold blue, open up moments later and begin to vomit out smaller numbers of beings that can only be described as demonic. Mostly large, ram or bull headed monstrosities wielding axes and clubs and other nastiness. Either way, suddenly every floor is fighting for it's life. Communications are spotty, and chaos reigns. Whose in charge here?


Kate Bishop is only just back from Hawaii. If she was anyone more sensible, she'd probably be back in her apartment resting. But she's not. And she had a point to make to SHIELD. And she wanted to check in on people she hadn't seen since she'd been in Hawaii, for that matter. Luckily, being in the Triskelion meant she actually had access to bow and arrows, which is how she's managed to hold a certain length of hallway against a group of angry Vikings. "Seriously!" she shouts down the hall, firing off an arrow. "I will call Fenris! I will Ragnarok your asses!"


Melinda May was in the command center when all of this … mess landed in the middle of the Triskelion. And where are ALL of their heavy hitters at the moment? The north pole. Their leadership? Hill is in the north pole as well, and Fury is, well, he's always been invisible until he wants to be noticed. That leaves May to have to deal with all of this. With Coulson acting as Overwatch, she sets a security team to guard the command center, then tries to get to the armory.

Too many enemies, too quickly. The entire building is in chaos, with pockets of non-combatants locked away to hopefully keep them safely clear of the combat, and not nearly enough combat trained agents to fight every ugly thing that appears. May has already tried getting in touch with Trent, but something is blocking signals out of the building, and internal communications aren't the most reliable either.

Wiping blood from a small cut near her hairline onto one sleeve before it can drip into her eye, May ducks into an alcoveto wipe her knives down with that oily cloth that has proven to be unbelieveably useful againt the demon-looking things. One more corner, and she'll be at the armory.


"1-1, Ident Partisan checking in. Any other stations still online?"Theres a trio of dead bodies in what was once the accounting office, including the poor fuck who used to own the P90 she's currently doing a quick mag check on. She lingers there for a bit, stuffing magazines and a pair of flashbangs into her jacket pockets. The fuckers had taken her usual go bag, and well this was just going to have to do. Rolling her shoulders and flipping her ponytail over a shoulder. "Sixth floor, accounting B. I'm available for tasking as necessary."Pausing just a moment further so she can tuck that visitor's badge into her back pocket before she slinks out the door and gets right to work. Of all the days to go without a gas mask, why this one.


Time. No matter what, there's never enough damned Time. It took Time to take care of the summoners in M-Town, and it took more Time to pry some answers out of them. Sadly, not enough time for Illyana to heal up from the cracked ribs and ugly bruising on one half of her face from the demon that sent her flying with the greatest of ease. But waiting isn't an option, and she can only safely tweak Time so much. Being in two important events at the same time is Bad, and so while the fight in the park just finished a few minutes ago, it was more than enough time for Jericho and Illyana to get the summoners to talk.

May is at the alcove and almost to her destination when a stepping disk opens, filling the hall. It slides laterally and drops out Trent and Magik, who is in her X-Men: Red costume. The portal stays open while Illyana looks the other way. A raised hand opens another portal to fill the other end of the hallway, giving them some protection as she lets Jericho talk to May to both give her whatever intel she needs and get his sitrep.


The Tri could be a scene out of a movie right now. Most of the open spaces like the lobby or large cubicle farms have already been overrun by attackers coming in from multiple directions. It's generally only in the high security areas (where people were already armed) and the chokepoints like the one Kate's defending that people have manage to hold out against the initial assault. Casulties? That's not clear yet but far, far too many.

Jericho wouldn't ordinarily try to link with the Tri's systems but the power is already critically compromised and the lights are flickering. Radio is the best way to coordinate since the local VOIP seems unreliable. He takes a moment to get what he can from the computers and produces his soulbound blade, folding it to carbine form as he breaks into the SHIELD radio channel. "1-1, 1-2 on scene. Nice to see you here. I'll ask why later. I'm on the 48th floor near the command center. Initial camera feeds look pretty grim. Need to figure out what they're after. Anyone else recieving, respond please over." He hasn't seen Kate holding out yet.

"I see I'm not quite too late yet May. Looks like they've hit everything. What have you got that still works?"


"Hawkeye here, holding the twelfth floor armory," Kate responds to the radio call. "Against some history channel rejects. Are we actually being invaded by Asgard? Because the whole stolen cable thing was totally Fenris. I had no part in that." A putty arrow goes down at the mouth of the hall, covering the floor with sticky goo, while another arrow looses an oil slick just past it. In case anyone's thinking about making it past the arrow cover.

Melinda May would startle, but it takes too much energy, and really, by the time she registers something directly in front of her she recognizes it as one of Illyana's stepping disks. Their arrival gives her time to finish re-oiling her knives. "Internal comms work, but aren't perfect. Overwatch, two more friendlies just arrived. Rasputin from X-Red, and Trent." Her eyes cut to one side. "Yes I said Trent, Sitwell. Get off the line."

Looking at the pair again, May wipes her hand on her pant leg before reaching into a pocket and pulling out a spare earbud comm unit to offer to Illyana. "Bishop, if you can't hold there, scuttle it and get moving. Thirtieth floor armory has more arrows." Normally those arrows are Barton's, but considering he's not here currently…


"1-2, I'm running on dropped gear here. Anyway you can source my gear, or direct me to an armory? I'm-"Part cuts the transmission short as she sidesteps around a cubicle corner and, well no she sure as fuck isn't alone is she? Stance dropping as she rolls her shoulder up to drive that P90 foreward. Gritting her teeth as she goes cyclic, throwing as much 5.7mm hatred down the passage between cubicles as she can after those viking types. Whilst the P90 may be a poodle shooter, Part goes a long way to making the best of it. Two fall immedietely followed by a third, and a fourth before she goes empty. "1-2 secure me an elevator to the twelfth floor please, Hawkeye I might be a moment I'm winchester and fangs out."
The problem here, is there are way more than four viking guys here and the moment that PDW goes dry the momentum amidst this sea of cubicles begins to shift. She whips that empty mag after one of her attackers, but it buys Part barely enough time to jack a fresh one in and drop the bolt. She doesnt even try to get sight picture as she cuts loose with that PDW again, cutting ribbons until things really go sideways. Like a stone in a quickly flowing stream, her advance does little to stem the tide. Even as she starts putting bodies on the ground like it's going out of fucking style. "1-1, Partisan moving to reinforce Hawkeye."Transitioning from that freshly emptied P90, to the Five Seven that same poor security guard had as she continues her push.


While Illyana often makes with the flashy hand gestures when summoning portals, she doesn't actually need to so her hands are free to accept the small earbud and thumb it into place. The blonde looks over to May and then glances to Jericho. This isn't the kind of fighting she normally engages in, and is dealing with SHIELD people who operate on a different manual. One that May and Jericho are much more familiar with. Jericho knows how her teleporting can work and she'll let him tell her how it should be used, be that to support Partisan and Hawkeye, get people out of the building or reposition the players.

"How did the nasties get in? Teleportation? Portal? Climbed in through the sewers?" There's the sense of magic that has Magik summoning her Soulsword in one hand and drawing the longer Big Knife/Small Sword in her offhand. "Are we dealing with a finite number or are they getting reinforcements?"


Jericho is still gathering information. "They've engaged you on every floor. This has to be a distraction maneuver. They could be after anything. Data. Resources. People. Wait… I just saw something. Refocusing… tell your sysadmins to stop fighting me. No demons are going to be hacking you." Other than the one that already is.

"Okay. I've got it. They're moving toward your experimental armory. Partisan, Kate, I've got evidence of human operatives moving toward the experimental armory on level thirty three. Part, I'm sending you an elevator and then sending you to Kate. Grab weapons and meet us there. If you need a teleport, let me know."

He glances over to May. "If you've got people trapped, Illyana can get them out. Also we need to get down to the weapons labs and experimental armory. Any chance you can clear me to look at the manifest?"

There's a shout from behind them and Jericho whirls to see a pair of charging demons come through a wall. The carbine starts to chatter as he sprays one down with lead.


"Watch your step around the corner, Partisan," Kate cautions as she checks the inventory in her current spot. "Floor's trapped for about fifteen feet." Because she's not interested in meeting these guys face to face. "Do we even know what they're aiming for, May? I can hold this corner all day, but I'm starting to wonder who's doing the holding-" Oh, hey, there's the answer to that question. "I'll take a teleport if you've got one," she replies to Trent. "Otherwise I'm going out a window and up the side of the building, and I really just would rather not."

Melinda May taps her earpiece once. "Overwatch, tell them to LET Trent in. Yes." She then looks at Illyana. "Conflicting reports, but the descriptions coming in make it sound like portals. And, yeah, there are people barricaded in everywhere. Non-combatants. Getting them out safely would help a lot." Yes, she would gives K'Nert a hundred times his weight in ice cream if he were to help. "Take the…" She narrows her eyes as she listens to her comm. The chatter is flying thick and fast. "Overwatch says there's an easily defensible building to the north opposite the parking garage. He's sending security there now to secure the place. Will you be able to move people there?"


It's a bad fucking situation, "1-2 I'm gonna need a lift here soonest." Part's doing a splendid job really, working her way through the mass of vikings with downright surgical precision. Even if she is forced to work with a poodle shooting belgian waffle piece of shit pistol, the five-seven does at least have a decent magazine capacity. "1-2, Last mag I'm alamo here."Wipping that flashbang out, as she drops to a knee to dump her empty and slam home that last mag.

Thats, when shit gets sideways in a hurry. Whilst the partisan is doing her job to keep funeral directors in business, she does not have eyes in the back of her head. She never sees the guy coming, so when he plunges that sword in from behind it comes as something of a surprise. Diving in right under her shoulder blade and erupting from her chest, theres a momentary pause and then it all falls apart. She stumbles to her side, drilling three rounds into the fucker who shanked her. That surgical pistol work quickly devolving into emergency pistol work, which is to say she just sort of blazes the fuck away. Then she gets bumrushed, a knife finds purchase in her right bicep. another sword dives into her stomach just above her hip, but this is the mother fucking Partisan. So of course, she fights on. Punching, cursing and at one point grabbing a discarded mechanical keyboard to use as a club. Things just sort of devolve into a blood soaked brawl, as baser instincts start to boil up towards the surface.


Illyana looks over to Jericho. "This is a big damned building. With a lot of people. I'm gonna need to be in Limbo to coordinate this." Illyana can open a fair number of portals, but she's also going to need to have a remote eye to know where to send them *and* she can only open them a limited distance from where she's standing. The best way for her to do this? Scry form Limbo and open the portals there. She can't help but agree though. She's the best chance at getting the post people out alive.

Magik looks over to May. "Alert your people the incoming portals are *friendly*. I'd advise locking this place down to make sure nothing gets out." She offers her Soulsword over to Jericho. "The portals are likely magical. This might help you close them." Yeah, she'd probably be useful to figure out what's going on and how to close the portals, but she has another job now.


Illyana raises her arms even as Jericho is gunning down the baddies, teleporting them away. Jericho and May barely even see Limbo as they're teleported back to Earth and down to the armory. Then Illyana works on getting Kate and Partisan down to them. She's not really expecting the bloody mess that is Partisan though, and doesn't pass her straight back to Earth. "Spit and Hades, are you alright?" She didn't see the fight. Maybe that's all someone else's blood? She's having a hard time seeing anything *under* all that red.

Illyana's standing in a large room with a huge crystal that floats in midair and slowly turns. In it's facets are scenes from within the Triskellion. While Illyana might like to spend more time checking on how Partisan is doing, she's already opening and closing portals that deposit confused people on the floor in front of her. "Through the portal!" She tells them, the commanding tone absent. One large portal is off to the side, open to the safe zone while others wink open and closed as she works on pulling people over.


The scenes in the Tri become more confused as people are abruptly teleported out and shuttled to safety. Jericho relays a few requests for troop movement as well before the sorceress comes back to Earth. Getting squads repositioned or out of desperate situations. There isn't near enough armed and able people though to do more than defend critical areas of the Tri while May and the rest of them setup a surprise for whomever's coming here. "Alright here we are…" He looks around for any sense of what HYDRA could be after. SHIELD does a lot of weapons R and D, a lot of R and D in general but they're not usually weapons of mass destruction…

Although that looks interesting. Advanced power generation schematics and… an entry for something called 'Project Longbow'. Teleportation tech? Why would they want that if they can already… wait. No. These aren't portals that get you places, just portals that let things in…


"Partisan?" Kate is hearing some disturbing noises there. Nothing that's really reassuring to her. "All right. I'm coming in," she warns, grabbing another handful of arrows from the armory before stepping out of the hallway. Three arrows in quick succession to clear the area, before she shoots a line into the ceiling, swinging herself over the slick and the sticky messes she left in the floor to land in the midst of the invading vikings.

By all rights, she should not be holding up as well as she is, but surprise counts for something. Something enough for her to take a sword from one of them, only to return it right in the gut.


Does it say something that May is actually starting to become accustomed to this whole stepping disk thing? As soon as she and Trent are dropped into the armory, she heads for the racks of weapons, using her security access to unlock them all. Most of the normal ordinance is only useful against the Viking sorts, but handy to have anyway. Another locker reveals one of Barton's caches of arrows, and she snags out two full quivers and offers a third one across to Kate. For herself, she opens yet another locker to reveal … a single katana.


Partisan, is a god damned mess. She teleports in on her side, panting and covered in totally an absurd amount of blood and gore. Wheezing as she peers around, before rolling up onto one knee with a racking cough that leaves blood, a tooth and chunky bits of lung across the floor. "No, not really. Would you, yaknow?"Peering after Illyana for a moment, before thumbing after the sword still jammed into her back. Not wasting any time, as she jerks the sword from her stomach with but a wince. "Just, get me back in the fight alright? I don't think it's a good idea to be hanging around here, considering how well last time went."Smaller cuts and scrapes already healing, as she jerks that knife from her arm and decides to hang onto that one.
Beneath the surface, yeah theres something lurking within the Partisan. Illyana likely remembers it all too well, but it's definitely there. Theres sufficient magical "noise" that you can almost feel it in your fingertips, as wild magic surges about it's host. "Augh, damnit. I just got this fucking jacket today, not even six fucking hours old and some jackass had to go shank me with a mother fucking sword. You have any idea how hard it is to find an M-65 in tiger stripe in a woman's cut, took me like six months after my last one got shot to shit. "Lifting a hand absently to the radio clipped to her belt"1-1, I'm alive. Hawkeye I'll be with you momentarily, do me a favor and snag any guns you see laying around alright?"


"But it's so much fun to stick swords in you." Illyana says dryly as she takes the moment to jerk the length of steel free with an awful sucking sound. She lets the blade clatter down to the floor as she nods Partisan towards a smaller portal off to the side. "That way. I'm still keeping an eye on you guys from this side." But most of her attention is on the people-moving. All aboard the Limbo Express!


Jericho is keeping an eye on the cameras but not many are functional by this point. "We've got friendlies handling a situation downstairs. Zatanna, Lunair and someone who matches Namor's profile from newsclips." Nothing they can do about it right now though.

Alright. I've got… damn it the cameras keep going out. Eyes on six human operatives accompanied by four large demons." Ten. Ten on five. Well, there've been worse odds. "They're going to be coming by the armory soon. My bet is they want the Longbow Schematics for something, though I couldn't tell you what yet." It's the only thing so far that makes sense.

When Part comes through Jericho looks over and winces. "You going to be okay? We don't have long but I can get you some quick clot or something." Already he's flipping a couple of tables over to make a barricade for those who prefer to shoot. A hawks nest, if you like.


"Yeah, these aren't gun guys," Kate says as she fires three more arrows point-blank into Viking eyeballs before catching the stepping disk in her area back to the others. Just in time to get a refill from May. "Clint's gonna flip," she sighs as she trades out the quivers, taking a quick look around to get the lay of the land. From her own quiver, she retrieves a small bag of arrow tips, jogging over to find some plain shafts. "These should do for some demons, at least," she explains as she starts to marry tips to shafts.


Melinda May takes the katana from its locker, unsheathes it, then carefully puts the scabbard back in its place. While Jericho's flipping tables over she's using that oily rag on this new blade. "Will those tips fit into one of Barton's auto-selector?" She nods toward one of the mechanized quivers built to attach arrowheads on the fly as requested by Barton via his bow. Speaking of, one of the elder Hawkeye's bows is there too.


Partisan just sticks her tongue out after Illy, and a wink before stepping on through the portal. Rolling her shoulders as she lets out another wet cough, before shedding her coat and going shopping. Granted as much as she might like to stay for the day, well theres shit to do. So only the essentials are procured with practiced ease. Shooting gloves, helmet, gasmask, chest rig, MCX, 1911, a plethora of spare mags, grenades, Trijicon SRS, and a short barreled M590A1 which she cynches onto a assault pack she throws over her shoulders. "1-1, back in the fight."Casually slapping in a magazine and dropping the bolt as she wheels around to look in on May and Hawkeye. Looking like a zombie horror movie extra, strapped into Shield combat kit. "You know, in the future maybe you should let me keep my guns when I come by to pick up my paychecks."


Illyana can only handle so many portals at once. But in Limbo, time can run faster. That lets it look like she's teleporting a lot more people out at one time than she really is.

By the time everyone's kitted out in the armory, Magik reappears. "I think I've cleared the building of the non-combatants." She glances over to May for confirmation.


Jericho himself ducks around the corner while Kate reloads and switches out and introduces a roving pack of vikings to the wonders of kind of modern weaponry (gunblades in carbine mode don't count but hey he can shoot things with them). He ducks back in and shuts the door. The armory is fairly large. Large enough for everyone to be able to spread out. "You don't do direct deposit Part? Why don't you ju-"

Whatever he was going to say gets abruptly cut off as something large and heavy impacts the door. Then again. Then it flies inward, bent, and clatters off the wall as a minotaur rushes in…

… just in time to get unmade by Jericho who hacks down on it's neck with the soulsword and then kicks it's disintigrating body back to the others as his traces flare blue. His gunblade unfolds from gun to blade and he tosses Illyana her sword. She'll need it. There's still three more demons. Not to mention the Hydra operatives who are now starting to shoot around them.


"You get paid?" Kate quips to Partisan's suggestion. "That must be interesting." May's question gets a shake of her head. "Not using that thing. If Clint'd keep up with notching his shafts, he wouldn't need it either, but no, he's always going on about being out of tape." Muttering about Clnit's peculiarities is at least a good distraction from just what's going on.


Melinda May listens to her comm unit briefly then nods to Illyana. Coulson's voice can be heard over the comms as he thanks Illyana for getting their personnel clear. She's also about to reply to Partisan about her paychecks when the bull hits the door and her holy oil cloth gets dropped to the floor as she brandishes the katana in both hands. Trent took care of the first one quickly enough, but there's more where it came from. She moves to one side of the door where the HYDRA troops can't shoot at her and she can hopefully make the doorway a nice little blender for any demon-sorts coming through.


"Of course I get paid, I'm the mother fucking partisan."Flicking her MCX off safe as she seats the stock in her shoulder, before giving a shout down the hallway. "You hear that you amatuer hour hydra chucklefucks? I'm the mother fucking Partisan, You wanna fucking play games?"Stripping a frag grenade from her chest rig and dropping the spoon, and waiting a moment or two before winging it down the hallway. Casually glancing back towards Jericho as she posts up. "It's a long story, but that direct deposit shit fucking sucks."
This is, well the motherfucking Partisan apparently. So what in the mother fuck are they paying her for right? Well, as soon as that grenade pops she gets to it. Sidestepping well back from the doorway, and sending a magazine worth of .300BLK down the hallway in what you could consider moderately aimed fire. "Come on fuckers!"


"So does today count as Hazard Pay, or you just weekend-hobby-ing it?" Illyana asks Partisan dryly as she catches her sword again so she's got a blade in each hand again.

The relayed thanks gets a nod as Illyana slides over to where Partisan is standing and spraying down the hallway. She reaches out to grab the rig to try to haul Part down behind cover for a moment. "OK, Rambo time is over sillywolf." She tabs the earbud, "Clear the hallway's line of fire." And then she teleports Partisan and herself out of the armory. And down the hall behind the HYDRA agent and his pets. "I've got your back."


Partisan's fire rips into the demons which buys Jericho and the ones left inside the armory some time to situate. May's Katana, while not supernaturally powerful does burn and boil their flesh as it slices. They're not fans. The one May's dueling is already trying to get away, but the only other option (other than back the way it came) is to the man with the blue circuit traces and the kind of magic blade who just threw one of them against a wall. Still, they're no mean fighters and the two are going to have their hands full it's likely.

Of course there's still a Kate… and Part and Illyana are now behind them.

"GET THE PLANS!" One of the operatives shouts.


Kate has the distance game covered, firing a few of the special-tipped arrows at some of the demons charging the armory from the relative safety of the table-nest. "No plans for you," she mutters at the operative, firing one of the riot foam arrows at him. Since he apparently knows what's going on, he's bound to be useful later.


Melinda May flinches and calls out while still slicing at the demon in front of her, "Overwatch, friendly using frags. Keep our people AWAY. Damnit, Partisan, this building is full of SHIELD people. WARN us first." Then she channels her ire at the loose cannon into a particularly strong swing at the demon's head. This sword isn't a Hatori Han, but it's as close as May could get in a modern blade.


"Oh no, I'm charging them a hundred large for every time I got shanked, plus inconvience pay so maybe seventy fifty? I'll end up taking that as arms and maybe another Mustang. Also I'll have you know I am very serious business."Part peers back after Illy with no small amount of frusteration for a moment, before it just passes and boom teleported. She swings that MCX up, and gets right the fuck to it.

That supressed .300blk is pretty muffled, and so the first three rounds go unnoticed entirely as she splatters a braincase across the wall. By the time she's swept over to the next one, the remaining four are already starting to break cover. Making a break for the armory as they send panic fire past Partisan, skipping a round off her helmet with narry a wince. She twists her hips into the recoil, and squeezes. Barking out the remaining 24 rounds in a single well aimed stitch of gunfire that ploughs through flesh and bone with abandon. It's a god damned massacre, stopped only as Part drops to a knee in time with the dull -click- of an empty carbine. In the blink of an eye, that 1911 has surfaced from it's holster and she pours 230 grain pills down on any who remain in the hallway. This leaves one alive in the hallway, staggered and shot to hell. Part can only laugh as she calmly snags a spare magazine and drops the slide. "Hey, look me in the eye you worthless piece of shit."Leveling the pistol and pausing a moment, before k-pow. She liberates his gray matter from it's boney prison, and casts his soul to the wind. "Get the plans, really? Get the plans? Who the fuck thought up that brilliant piece of strategy you worthless chucklefucks?" Taking a moment to holster and reload her carbine, before calmly advancing back towards the armory. "Hallway clear! Friendly coming in!"


Being between the HYDRA contingent and the demons beyond isn't the place that most people want to be. For one thing, there's no damned cover but Illyana figured that surprise would give Partisan more than enough time to deal with them. She leaps for the trio of demons behind that, Soulsword in one hand and that shorter, too-big-to-be-a-knife blade in the other. One draws black blood and the other Unmakes the magical creatures. Very little can stand against that flaming blade and despite the demons being big and strong, Illyana moves quickly enough even while injured to deal with them just as Partisan calls the hallway clear.

The shorter blade is shoved into it's sheath behind one hip as Illyana walks up behind Partisan and smacks her upside the helmet. "It would have been nice to have *more* than one to interrogate." She tells the wolfwoman with some annoyance.


Jericho folds his blade up and glances down to the cameras. "Looks like the portals have closed. I'm not picking up any other activity on your security systems either. I think we're in the clear." Back it goes into the case as the hacker peers over at the mess in the hallway. Well, there' the one Kate riot foamed. "Probably… well I dunno, you want that one May? Or shall Illyana and I take him… elsewhere?"

Kate gets a smile and a nod. "Good work. Glad you were here." And glad she's okay. And May. And Part. "Er… the hell were the rest of the usuals?" SHIELD's got a good selection of ass kickers who aren't May. The hell are they?

Well, maybe he can find out later. The hacker gives Illyana a quick look. A 'you okay?' look.


"Top secret…thing," Kate answers Jericho with a grimace, peeking out over the edge of the table. "SHIELD's got enemies to spare these days, apparently." She takes a deep breath, giving herself a quick inspection to make sure she's not seriously injured or in any sort of trouble. And miraculously…she's got a few cuts and scrapes, but she's looking all right.


"I've been wondering the same thing," May tells Trent flatly. Bishop gets the look that matches the tone of voice, and then she's regarding the one surviving HYDRA agent. "Compromise. You two question him here." Because she knows their methods will produce results, however unkosher they might be.


"Next time I'll be sure to bring a nerf gun, I'll just yell pow really loud when I hit them and then I'll bitch if they don't fall down and play dead."Part makes her way down the hallway, MCX slung and taking her time with picking over the bodies. Casually tossing radios, maps, weapons, anything of interest really. "This is fucking Hydra, you think these guys know jack fucking shit about anything? These guys were probably working at a Mcdonalds last week, they barely trust them to zip their fly. They're sure as shit not going to give them secrets, oh and Hey May? This shit's all yours but if it's kosher I'll take a few conventional pieces from the armory here and we'll call shit even. Also, no shit sorry about the frag. Got comfortable using Russian nades, minimal fragmentation so they're safe to use indoors. My bad entirely, should have known better."


"Thank you. I expect to see you carrying it next time." Illyana replies to Partisan re: Pls Nerf HYDRA.

At May's suggestion that they question the guy here? In SHIELD HQ? Yeaaah. She'll just let Jericho handle that discussion.

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