Just Coffee

February 23 2015: Jericho meets May for coffee not too far from the Tri. It's never just coffee.

Agents of BREW

Just a coffee shop not too far from the Triskelion.



  • None

Mood Music:
[* None]

After the run in with Jesana the other night Jericho has been… okay well he's been on the other side. He's popped back briefly to set up a couple of processes to run, hanging out in a coffee shop near the Tri. One he goes to sometimes to meet May when he doesn't want to actually go to the Tri.

Hint: He never wants to go to the Tri. His first time there was… memorable.

That said, passing information to May has become vital and honestly, things have gotten to the point where no matter how much he distrusts SHIELD, he has to admit that they need to know about what's been going on here. He's intercepted some really worrying com traffic lately between HYDRA cells. Someone is coordinating something big.


The newspaper on his table is turned to a page describing a report about a coyote attacking a man in central park. A patrol car sent to the scene found dog and boot prints in the mud and it's been classified as a drunk and his dog. This is the third report of a coyote this week.


Whether it's simple coincidence or SHIELD snoopery (is that even a word?) at work, within about fifteen minutes of Jericho settling in at the aforementioned coffee shop, Agent May arrives. She doesn't go to bother the hacker immediately, instead taking a moment to order and receive a cup of hot tea before approaching him. "Trent."


Jericho glances down at the paper in front of him. He's been scanning video records of the 'incident'. None of them are very good, so nothing better than a partial match of the woman he ran into the other night. "May. Looking for me?" He cants his head slightly. His eyes are glimmering in a way they usually do if he's amused or pensive about something and by the looks of things (mostly by the fact that he seems to have gotten dirt on him recently) he's been gardening in Limbo. "Just as well if you have." He pushes the paper toward May. "Been hearing some unusual chatter."


Melinda May claims a seat that Jericho's table and looks at the paper. "I'd heard about that, but only in passing. Is that why you're hanging out here?" She takes a sip of her tea then sets it down to pick up the newspaper and read the article a bit more closely. Hm. Normally dog attacks would not be considered any big deal by SHIELD. And honestly, someone taking their likely illegal exotic pet out and letting it run amuck is annoying as heck but still not really SHIELD jurisdiction.


Zee really needs to talk to Jericho, and last night didn't go so well. So she's honed in on him again and teleported, arriving just inside the mouth of an alley right near the coffee shop. She's still wearing the collar and dressed fairly casually as she strolls in, orders a coffee and takes up a spare seat at the table, nearly echoing Mays actions. "Agent May, Jericho. May I join you." she's already settling in.


Jes has been having a very rough couple of days. On her own with no one to trust and still uncertain of what's really going on, she's not had much sleep. She doesn't notice him and Zee at first, simply enters the coffee shop and grabs two large coffees and a sandwhich and turns to go. That's when she spots Jericho and Zee. She blinks and then her eyes move to the exits and then at the other people in the shop. She seems to consider for a moment before sighing softly and taking a seat at the table.


"Oh you again." Jericho says as Jesana sits down. "Not dead or taken I see." Despite the cavelier way it's delivered Jericho had been keeping an eye out on the police channels and vid cams.

"Hello Zatanna, have a seat. Looks like this is going to be a regular meeting. May, meet Jesana. HYDRA tried to take her last night."

Jericho's sketching something on his napkin. A seeming doodle but May might after a moment recognize the faint outline of a SHIELD helicarrier.


Melinda May sets the newspaper back down and nods to Zatanna when she claims a seat at their table, and then watches the newcomer — that Jericho just introduced as Jesana — do the same. Her eyes flick toward the hacker and then at his doodle and then back to the two younger women. And… talkative as usual. Zee's likely used to this by now.


Jes looks her over for a moment. She pulls back the hood of her sweat shirt and removes her sunglases revealing a young woman with native american features. Tan skin, long black hair tied into a loose braid today. The only visibly strange thing about her appearance is the fact she has one brown eye and one green. "I told you. They can't have been after me. I'm no one. Nothing. No one even knew I was here." Her expression is stern but her voice comes out sounding uncertain.


"Hello Jesana" Zee smiles brightly at the young woman. "That's what I told Jericho too, until they tried to take me from a charity gala." Settling back in her chair, and crossing her ankles, Zee watches what Jericho's sketching, sipping her coffee slowly. "I'd like a word when you get a moment Jericho." the young magician murmurs. Try 2!


Jes looks Zee over with a slight frown. She's good at spotting lies. Very good and that was not a lie but she isn't quite ready to admit they may be right yet. Her mismatched eyes turn to Melinda. "Who are you?" She can'ts her head to the side, her nostrils flaring in Melinda's direction.


"Sure, what's on your mind Zee?" Jericho says as he doodles and then pushes the sketch over to May. The Helicarrier is now in crosshairs. Now why would Jericho draw a thing like that?

"Then it was a hell of an accident, sending two teams of hitmen in to take you. And that's what that was, make no mistake. They weren't after me. Moving wrong. Weren't after Zee. She wasn't there until a minute before we dripped in on you."


Melinda May takes the doodled-on napkin, looks at it for a moment, then pockets it. She's going to take it to Fury so he can put all current Helicarriers on alert. But, in the meantime, she looks from one person to the next, then offers her two cents. "If Hydra is sending people after you, then they feel that you a person of enough significance to either help or hinder their plans. If they get their hands on either of you, it can only be a bad thing."


"Jericho's quite correct, Jesana." Zee smiles in amusement "I arrived to see the first team coming in, and there's no way they could have mobilised the second team that quickly for me, I'd been in Gotham not minutes before that. Those teams were after you." The picture on the napkin gets an interested look, but SHIELD stuff is SHIELD stuff and she'll keep her lips zipped.

Looking carefully at Jericho, Zee cants her head "I met with Dr Stephen Strange the other day, he interpreted the words on the tag. What do you know about it?" she looks somewhat uncomfortable discussing this at the table.


"I think you must be right." Jes sees Zee's discomfort and studies her hands in her lap trying to give her some privacy but not wanting to leave these people yet. "I owe you both for saving my life. Thank you. I'll repay the debt somehow."


"I know what they say of course." Jericho replies to Zee. "I speak demonic after all. And I know that words have power." Jesana may have sensed that already, the slight hint of sulpher to Jericho's magic. Very different from Zee's or the subtle hint of… something about May. Not magic. She's not magical. But she may have been near it at some point.

"You're welcome, Jesana. I'm more than happy to rob the Snakes of their prey where I can. They've done enough bad things to decent people. But Zee and May are right. They'll keep coming if they can find you." He glances over to the titan and the Agent.

"I'm not in a position to really do anything about that."


Melinda May looks like she's about to frown, but she never does. "I'd offer a safehouse, but I can't trust that my agency's resources are completely trustworthy right now. Zatara, could you offer sanctuary?"


"Yes, that's what Dr Strange said" Zee murmurs. Looking over to Jes, Zee smiles brightly again "No need to repay anything, it's what we do and anything to upset HYDRA." Glancing to May and then to Jesana, Zee nods "I can you to my home in Shadowcrest for a night and then introduce you to the Titans… our base is very secure. Shadowcrest is more secure, but ummmm, you'd have trouble getting out."


Jes frowns. She's been in the city a month is this is already the most she's spoken to anyone. "More people..? I um..I'm not sure. This is my problem. You don't have to do that. I'll figure something out." She fiddles with her sandwich wrapper, hoping that no one else can hear her stomach rumbling.


Jericho doesn't have particularly acute senses when he's not actively making them so. He does know the marks of someone who's very, very nervous. Which could be either May or Jes at this point for differing reasons. "SHIELD still working on damage control?" He murmurs to May while he watches the other two women.

"Was there another question about that collar Zee?"


"Yes. There are talks to negotiate a way to plug some of the tech-based leaks." May isn't going to elaborate beyond that around Zee or Jes. And speaking of, she really focuses on Jes now, all but staring at the young woman to get her attention then pointedly glancing at the still-wrapped sandwich for a second. It's all but spoken out loud. Would you just EAT, already?


"There is, Jericho, but it can wait." Zee turns her attention to Jes "OK, so is it you don't like being around people, don't want the help or both? If it's people, come spend a night at Shadowcrest. There's no one there at the moment, I normally stay at Titans base. If it's that you don't want the help, take my card and call me if you need anything." with a flourish a card is produced from thin air and handed over. The young magician is pointedly ignoring the conversation between May and Jericho about SHIELDS tech leaks, she doesn't need to know.


At Melinda's look Jes had finally torn the wrapper from her sandwich. She's managed to eat the entire thing and gulp one of the coffee cups in a matter of moments. She'd clearly been to hungry to worry over table manners once she finally started to eat. She sets back in her chair with a small sigh of relief before turning to look at Zee and taking the card. "I.." She cuts off and thinks for a moment as she studies it. "I think it's both. I was taugt not to trust anyone. How do I know you aren't after me too?" "But if these …people.. are really after me and I'm starting to believe you..then I don't know what to do about it." She admits the last in a softer voice.


Jericho reaches back behind him and flips out his blade, folding it out briefly. "Jes, if we wanted you, believe me, we'd have tried harder." The blade folds back and the hacker slips it away. "I think you'll be seeing them again whether you like it or not. I won't force any help on you but I really, really think you ought to let them help you."

He glances over to May and Zee. Anything?


Melinda May says, "He has a point. I don't know about Zatara here, but I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by helping you," May offers. And she means that from both sides of the fence. It's that old adage, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Or something like that. She takes another sip of her tea and sits back, apparently done contributing to the conversation. Instead she's going to keep studying Jes, as if trying to figure out a puzzle."


"Like Jericho says. Last night, we didn't have to do anything and you're sitting here with us today and we've done nothing" Zee bites her bottom lip "As to what to do about it, make a decision about our motives and then, when you decide we aren't after you, accept the help we're offering." It's really that easy.


Jes listened to her quietly, though for some reason her nostril flared several times while Zee spoke. "Mmm..I like that. Straight to the point, both of you. She'd watched Jericho's knife movements with an almost amused expression. "Well. I can't go home and I think the park has way too many people even at night. If you're sure..then Thank you. I'll accept."

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